人類學,English Course全英語授課
層級: 課程資料
媒體: 影音

(temporarily unable linked)Transnational cultural management 跨文化管理


Providence University 國際學院 洪文夏

關鍵字: 跨文化團隊合作 文化分析架構 跨國文化管理 多元化經營 Cross-cultural management cultural analysis transnational cultural management English

This course mainly introduces transnational cultural management. The first part provides a brief overview of transnational cultural management. The second part introduces the structure of cultural analysis, including the cultural level of Greet Hofstede and the model of Fons Trompenaars. The third part shows the role of transnational cultural management, including national culture, corporate culture, transnational cultural communication, transnational cultural negotiations, transnational cultural conflicts and conflict resolution, diversified management, transnational culture in moral concepts, transnational cultural teams Cooperation etc. The last section presents the future of cross-cultural management of culture and globalization. In the seminar, students will be led to discuss specific issues related to management issues of international companies.

 本課程主要是介紹跨國的文化管理。第一部分提供跨國的文化管理簡要概述。第二部分介紹文化分析的架構,包括Greet Hofstede的文化層面與Fons Trompenaars的模型。第三部分展示跨國文化管理的作用,包括國家文化、企業文化、跨國文化的交際、跨國文化的談判、跨國文化的衝突和解決衝突、多元化經營、在道德觀念的跨國文化、跨國文化的團隊合作等。最後一部分提出了關於文化與全球化跨文化管理的未來。研討會中,將帶領學生探討具體問題有關國際企業的管理議題。

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