層級: 課程資料
媒體: 影音 講義



國立臺灣大學 數學系 劉豐哲

關鍵字: 可加性 測度 測度與積分 賦距空間 Outer Measure Caratheodory Measure 緊緻性與測度 Product measures and Fubini theorem Change of variable in Lebesgue integral Hilbert Space 實分析 數學

A brief review of what covered in Real Analysis I, especially differentiation of functions of a real variable, functions of bounded variation and absolutely continuous functions, will be made first. Product measures, change of variables formula for integrals in Euclidean space, polar coordinates with application to potential integrals, basic principles of linear analysis and Hilbert space constitute the first part of the course content. The second part includes further study of L^p spaces, Fourier integral and Sobolev spaces with application to regularity of weak solutions of partial differential equations, and elements of probability theory. 
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