層級: 課程資料
媒體: 影音

統計場論與量子相變 Statistical Field Theory and Quantum Phase Transitions


國立陽明交通大學(原國立交通大學) 電子物理學系 仲崇厚老師

關鍵字: 統計場論與量子相變 Statistical Field Theory and Quantum Phase Transitions NYCU 仲崇厚

Phase transitions are broad and generic phenomenon in many-body systems where the state of matter transforms from one to the other with the change of external parameters.
This course is the introduction to phase transitions in statistical mechanics. The classical phase transitions are driven by thermal fluctuations, while the quantum phase transitions are driven by quantum fluctuations.
Near the transitions, physical observables show universal power-law scaling. Critical phenomena in various physical systems are discussed. Statistical field theory based on Landau-Ginsburg theory is used to describe these phase transitions. The goal of this course is to give students a modern introductory understanding in classical and quantum phase transitions as well as critical phenomenon via field theory approach.
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