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國立清華大學 生命科學系 焦傳金
關鍵字: 當代認知神經科學(Contemporary Cognitive Neuroscience) 認知心理學(Cognitive Psychology) 認知神經科學(Cognitive neuroscience 意識(Conscious) 物理心理學(Physical Psychology) 演化(Evolution) 創造力(Creativity) 腦科學 (Brain Science)
認知神經科學(Cognitive Neuroscience)是一門新興的研究領域,主要是探索腦與心智的關連 性。從感覺與知覺、學習與記憶、注意力與情緒 、同理與厭惡、決策與執行、乃至意識的產生,都是認知神經科學的範疇。Cognitive Neuroscience is an emerging academic field concerned with the relation of Brain and Mind. Topics such as: sensation and perception, learning and memory, attention and emotion, empathy and disguise, decision-making and execution, and consciousness, all belong to the field of Cognitive Neuroscience.
Cognitive Neuroscience is an emerging academic field concerned with the relation of Brain and Mind. Topics such as: sensation and perception, learning and memory, attention and emotion, empathy and disguise, decision-making and execution, and consciousness, all belong to the field of Cognitive Neuroscience.Understanding the neuroscience behind these cognitive behaviors not only marks one of the most significant science discovery in this century but also deeply connects to individual’s daily life. For example, Neuroeconomics involves in consumer behavior and market research; Neurodegenerative disorders is related to Alzheimer's disease.
In this course we’ll introduce some main topics of Neuroscience in order, focusing on the latest research and development, and we’ll discuss the influence on society and individuals from these discoveries. Most of the learning materials come from articles about Cognitive Neuroscience on Scientific American of these years, supplied with films and periodical literature as auxiliaries, so students without psychology or biology background can also participate in this course.
Course schedule
Week | Topic Note |
Week 1 | ♦ 與心智簡介 簡介各週內容,暴力行為在腦中的運作模式 |
Introduction to Brain and Mind – To introduce the whole course and the operation modes of violence in brains | |
Week 2 | ♦感覺&知覺 I 視覺的錯視、視覺訊息的處理 |
Sensation and Perception I – Optical illusion & the Operation of Visual Signals | |
Week 3 | ♦感覺&知覺 II 奧妙的色彩如何影響大腦認知 |
Sensation and Perception II – How do the colors affect our perception? | |
Week 4 | ♦感覺&知覺 III 原來我們聽到的可能不一樣、基因影響嗅覺辨識! |
Sensation and Perception III – What we hear may be different & Genes determine our olfactory sensation | |
Week 5 | ♦學習&記憶 感官、短期、長期,原來有不同的記憶形式 |
Learning and Memory – Different memory modes | |
Week 6 | ♦睡眠&夢 我可以都不睡覺嗎? 我為何需要睡覺? |
Sleep and Dreams – Why we need to sleep? | |
Week 7 | ♦報償&成癮 為何毒品這麼難戒除,成癮對腦造成的傷害 |
Reward and Addiction – Why is it so hard to quit drugs & how do drugs harm the brains | |
Week 8 | ♦溝通&語言 動物們如何溝通,為何電子書無法取代紙本? |
Communication and Language – The ways animals | |
Week 9 | ♠♠♠ 全 校 運 動 會 停 課 YA! ♠♠♠ |
Taking a day off – NTHU sports day | |
Week 10 | ♦理性&感性 動物也會難過,不同情緒由不同腦區控制 |
Rationality and Sensibility – Emotions are controlled by different parts of the brain | |
Week 11 | ♦選擇&決策 如何做出選擇,究竟你在選什麼? |
Choice and Decision-making – How to make choices? | |
Week 12 | ♦同理心 網路和面對面的霸凌有何不同,你懂我的痛嗎? |
Empathy – The difference between cyberbullying and face-to-face bullying & Can others understand my pains? | |
Week 13 | ♦智力&創造力 天才從何而來? 創意如何產生? |
Intelligence and Creativity – Where does genius come from? & How does creativity be formed? | |
Week 14 | ♦發育&可塑性 嬰兒天生會做哪些事?學前教育可以如何進行 |
Development and Plasticity – What can infants do by nature? & Preschool education | |
Week 15 | ♦老化&疾病 如何優雅的老化,能阻止大腦變老嗎? |
Aging and Disease – How can we age elegantly?& Is it possible to prevent the brains from aging? | |
Week 16 | ♦腦科學&科技&社會 男、女頭腦大不同? |
Brain Science, Technology and Society –The difference between female brains and male brains | |
Week 17 | ♦意識&自由意志 植物人有意識嗎? |
Consciousness and Free Will – Do vegetative people contain their free will? | |
Week 18 | ♦期末考週 繳交期末報告 |
The week of final exam - Hand in the final project | |
♠ | 本課程同時採用實體上課與同步遠距教學 ♠ |
This course is lectured in the classroom as well as through distance learning! |
♠ | Grading policy: |
課堂參與:40% (每堂課結束後需將課程心得與自我經驗分享上傳至社群軟體 fb、ig) Class attendance:40% (Sharing your experience and thoughts of the course on your fb or ig) | |
課堂小考:30% (每個段落皆有課堂小考,以 slido 進行) Quizzes:30% (There are quizzes for each parts, performed with slido) | |
期末報告:30% (一份 3 頁 A4 的課程主題延伸報告) Final project : 30% | |
課前後總結問卷(加分):5% Questionnaire ( bonus ) : 5% | |
♠ | 課程要求 |
1.攜帶行動載具(手機、平版、筆電)來上課 Bring your mobile devices (smartphone, tablet, or laptop) to class | |
2.下載 slido Download slido app | |
3.擁有任一社群軟體 Having a social media account |