Business Model Innovation through the Internet of Things 物聯網商業模式創新
National Taiwan University 工商管理學系 Professor Sunny S. Yang (楊曙榮)
business model innovation
IoT ecosystems and platforms
IoT-enabled products and services
outcome-oriented business models
business and data analytics
This course focuses on business model innovation and relevant business/data analytics through the Internet-of-Thing (IoT) lens, detailing: (1) IoT ecosystems and platforms, (2) IoT-enabled products and services, (3) outcome-oriented business models, and (4) business and data analytics. The practical goals of the course are to teach students various ways to use the IoT technology to create value and the relevant business models used to appropriate that value. The IoT is enabling to shift existing business models from a product- or service-based economy to an Outcome Economy, i.e., IoT-enabled products and services in the value net are orchestrated to jointly deliver the outcomes that end customers desire. In parallel, the business model of the seller will align to match the business model of the buyer. These two forces are brought together by the IoT platform to sell the IoT-enabled outcomes, eventually changing the industry structure. Of note is that this course is quantitative in nature and heavy on code (R programming and Shiny apps) and due to the fact that data-driven analytics is the core element in any IoT-enabled products/services.
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