數學,English Course全英語授課
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10510高等離散結構Advanced Discrete Structure〡Offered in English


國立清華大學 資訊工程學系 韓永楷

關鍵字: Advanced Discrete Structure Stand in a ring? Stirling’s Formula ways to distribute r distinct objects into non-distinct boxes Homework 2 Solution Solving Recurrences by GF More Examples on Integer Partition

This course is an extension to the Discrete Mathematics. We will introduce a couple of interesting and useful combinatorial mathematics tools and concepts, and we hope that by mastering these techniques, we can strengthen our problem solving abilities. 

Course Description  
This course is an extension to the Discrete Mathematics. We will introduce a couple of interesting and useful combinatorial mathematics tools and concepts, and we hope that by mastering these techniques, we can strengthen our problem solving abilities. 
Most of our topics have direct application to important CS areas, including coding, crypotography, network design, data compression, theory of computation, and analysis of algorithms. 
Text Book
Introduction to Combinatorial Mathematics by C. L. Liu 
♠ Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, by K. H. Rosen 
♠ Introduction to Algorithms, by T. H. Cormen and others 
♠ Concrete Mathematics, by R. Graham and others 
Teaching Method
Lectures and Tutorials (Lectures in English) 
Permutations and Combinations 
Generating Functions 
Recurrence Relations 
Methods of Proving 
Number Theory 
Group Theory 
Automata Theory 
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