天文學,物理學,工程,English Course全英語授課
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10610超快光學Ultrafast Optics〡Offered in English


國立清華大學 電機工程學系 楊尚達

關鍵字: Ultrafast Optics Introduction and Review Ultrafast Optics Active Mode Locking Light‐matter Interaction Passive Mode Locking Correlation Measurements FROG and SPIDER Dispersion Management FROG and SPIDER & Free Talk


      本課程旨在介紹超短(10^-12~10^-15秒)雷射光脈衝之產生、量測、傳播、色散管理、及其潛在應用。此一技術提供的超精密時間解析度可用以觀測前所未知的短暫分子動態。所產生之巨大尖峰功率(>10^15瓦)足以突破原子基本引力,或驅動物質產生顯著之非線性效應,從而獲得 一系列新的(如中紅外光、極紫外光)同調光譜成份。
      This course is aimed to introduce the generation, measurement, propagation, dispersion management and applications of ultra-short laser pulses in the picosecond to femtosecond regime (10^-12~10^-15 second). The ultra-high time resolution enables diagnosis of transient molecular dynamics. The tremendous peak power (>10^15 Watt) is sufficient to break atomic bonds or induce a broadband of coherent spectrum from the mid-infrared to extreme ultraviolet via significant non-linear effects.


 Brief course description 
      本課程旨在介紹超短(10^-12~10^-15秒)雷射光脈衝之產生、量測、傳播、色散管理、及其潛在應用。此一技術提供的超精密時間解析度可 用以觀測前所未知的短暫分子動態。所產生之巨大尖峰功率(>10^15瓦)足以突破原子基本引力,或驅動物質產生顯著之非線性效應,從而獲得 一系列新的(如中紅外光、極紫外光)同調光譜成份。本課程所需要的背景知識為:傅立葉轉換、電磁平面波,並具備運用數學軟體(如 Matlab)之能力。
      This course is an introduction to the generation, measurement, transmission and dispersion of an ultra-short laser pulse (10^-12~10^-15 second) and its potential applications. The technique offers the ultra-high time resolution to observe an unprecedentedly transient molecular dynamic. The high-peak power (>10^15 Watt) is sufficient to break through the atomic attraction or makes the substance to generate the significant non-linear reaction. Then, it can obtain a series of new homologous spectra such as mid-infrared light and extreme ultraviolet.
    The prerequisites of this course are Fourier Transformation, Electromagnetic-plane wave and the ability of the mathematical software (ex: Matlab).
Course Description
      本課程旨在介紹超短(10-12~10-15 秒)雷射光脈衝之產生、量測、傳播、色散管理、及其潛在應用。此一技術提供的超精密時間解析度可用以觀測前所未知的短暫分子動態。所產生之巨大尖峰功率(>1015 瓦)足以突破原子基本引力,或驅動物質產生顯著之非線性效應,從而獲得一系列新的(如中紅外光、極紫外光)同調光譜成份。
      This course is an introduction to the generation, measurement, transmission and dispersion of an ultra-short laser pulse (10^-12~10^-15 second) and its potential applications. The technique offers the ultra-high time resolution to observe an unprecedentedly transient molecular dynamic. The high-peak power (>10^15 Watt) is sufficient to break through the atomic attraction or makes the substance to generate the significant non-linear reaction. Then, it can obtain a series of new homologous spectra such as mid-infrared light and extreme ultraviolet.
    The prerequisites of this course are Fourier Transformation, Electromagnetic-plane wave and the ability of the mathematical software (ex: Matlab).
Text Book

Lecture slides, pdf files are available on the iLMS of NTHU

Andrew Weiner, Ultrafast Optics, Wiley, 2009
 ISBN: 978-0-471-41539-8
Teaching Method
♠ 預習提問 Preview questions
♠ 隨堂問答 Q&A
♠ 課堂講授 Lectures
♠ 期末分組辯論攻防 Term project debate
 (Preview questions, Q&A, lectures,term project debate)
Introduction and review
Active mode-locking
Light-matter interaction
Passive mode-locking
Pulse measurement by correlation techniques
Pulse measurement by FROG and SPIDER
Dispersion and dispersion management
Flexible topics on request
Term project debate


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